Presell pages and admin pages won't load

I have found that for some reason I get an error whenever I go to access my site or the admin section. The other half it seems to work great. I am concerned that my site is not working when I am running ads and is costing me sales. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a fix for this?

Edit: I get an error that says “Ca’t establish connection to server” and “the site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy.”

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Hi @nathanabrenneman, we apologize for the technical inconvenience.

We had some issues with the SASPanel earlier today, however, it should be working fine now.

I suggest clearing your browser’s cache and refresh the page.

I am still having problems open my presell pages web site.
I still have not got a reply from supoort on this site. not including the week end it’s been a week, any one else having these problems.please
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Hi there, @don1307. I’m afraid we have not received any emails from you. However, I have checked this and found that the domain you have registered was not connected properly since the domain you have manually connected on the custom domain field on your SASPanel is instead of only.

I have corrected this and should be ready after 2-3 hours. You may clear your cache after the given period and log in to your domain log in site below: