Presell Page Setup 3 Manual Method issue

i have done step by step with presell page setup 3 but in the end when i want to test my website which is edited it for test i cant get in the site and i got this message

. please anyone if know it help me .

Hi yeah I got the same result. ask support to send you step by step guide to this lesson - it may help i havent tried it yet

regards Chris

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First do not use /test/
If you are using the presell page for Super affiliate system
then use a folder named /sas , /superaffiliatesystem, or /mysas anything other than test
John only uses test as an example.

Once you upload the zip file into the folder you must extract it to that folder.
then you must edit the index file and put your clickbank link it is.

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Also, another thing that John didn’t cover in the video is you have to set up your page under the “public_html” folder. This tripped me up at first, and I had to dig deeper (at first, I had created a “test” folder, but it wasn’t under “public_html” so my web page didn’t show up). So if you create a sub folder to unzip the zip file to (you can call it anything you want), make sure it’s under public_html. For example, I created a sub folder under public_html called “signup1”. I then copied the zip file to that folder signup1, and unzipped it. Then I edited the index.html file as described in the video with my own clickbank hotlink. Saved, and then it worked. My web link now looks like this:

I agree with Todd, if you named it “test” I’d go back and rename it to something more pleasing. Good luck all.


I meant to also include one other issue. Once I had everything set to go, I still got a similar error as posted above. It turned out, I had not activated (or promoted, or made “live”) my site yet with BlueHost. Once I “activated”, then my site began to show up.

What folder are you uploading the zip file to?

“public_html” or any folder you create under this

Thank you Brian! This helped me figure out where I went wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know where I’m going wrong but I seem to be having a major problem, My first problem seem to be when I go to RESOURCE, PRESELL PAGES and click on SAS Survey Presell (Manual Method) I don’t get any pictures. If I click on SAS Survey Presell (Manual Method) it goes directly to the SAS Survey Presell,zip
And when I follow the steps exactly as in the video, when I go to check it online I get “Page Not Found”
And my site looks like this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I want to thank @maxwelbd for his tips in this topic. If you go back and watch the video you see John creates his Test folder under public_html. Good eyes, soldier. :beer: