PreSell Page Manual Upload Issue

I’m following the steps to manually upload presell pages, which seem straight forward. However, when I follow the steps, the presell page does not show up on my website. I took several screen shots…hopefully I can attach them in order…

Hello Stefanie,

I uploaded the zip file and extracted the contents to have a look.

I do see several folders:

-> English Diet Landers
-> then butl1235
-> and several more such as the one starting with 1-abte

The url in your case would be Diet Landers/butl1235/1-abte

I am sorry I can’t be of more help.


I downloaded zip file for manual presell install I extracted files changed affiliate link but nothing shows up when I click on the website? I must be doing something wrong just don’t know what . I followed the video and also found it written out in the forum but it doesn’t seem to be working . thanks

If you unzipped the file into /test then you’ll find the presell pages on
You can also upload directly to the root domain. Take a look at the PDF here: