Presell Page Issues - goes to Arabic after questions

Hi Everyone,
I’ve had my ads running for about 2 weeks now, I noticed I have over 100 clicks, 1 conversion but no sales, plenty of page views. I put my url in the address bar, I clicked on the answers to the questions, the next page was in Arabic, What Happened??? Everythi ng was fine when I set everything up. Any solutions, did anyone check and see if everything is working properly? Let me know Please.

Hi claudeba56,

I had the exact same issue except it redirected to a french opt-in page after the survey and I only realized after a week of running my ads. I contacted support and Melissa gave me a fix that worked today. It seems we have to add a bit of code after our hop link (clickbank link) to force the English language setting as follows:

If using a tracking ID:

Hoplink + /?tid=SAS1&lang=en

If not using a tracking ID:

Hoplink + /?lang=en

If this does not help, be sure to contact support directly.

Thank You, I am only using the hop link I got from clickbank, I was ready to start all over, I will wait for support, I sent a ticket in, Thank You again. It was crazy, especially when I saw the page views and noticed that they were on for about 12 seconds. I decided to check landing page.

Just added the code to the end of the clickbank link, I wasn’t sure if the + was part of the link, I put it in anyway, IT WORKED!!! YEAH!!!
Thank You,

Hi Claude,

I didn’t put the + and works too.

The sad part is I did triple checked the presell and all of the subsequent redirects when I first created the page so who knows when it started redirecting to the wrong page. This is so unexpected and I wonder if anybody else is having the same issue and they just don’t know it because they haven’t checked their presell recently.
Hopefully we will have some sales now.

What got me was the conversion, no sale, I started looking at everything, that’s when I decided to check page, This issue could be for the last two weeks, Thank You Again. I have the topic, maybe people will check and make sure their page is correct.
Good Luck!!

I’m glad to help.
Good Luck to you too!

There was actually another post about same issue:

This is the add on I was sent;

Hope this helps,