Presell page and clickbank tracking

I have a question regarding our presell page that looks like this:

When a visitor answers all the questions he gets redirected to this page:

I find the page very confusing : you have to scroll up and down, down and up to see all this technical stuff and no price. Even for me (familiar with ads) it was difficult to understand what you are proposing. I tryed to find the price and thougt that it was 5000 dollars until I clicked at the “join” button (but who joins without knowing the price?).

:white_check_mark:My first question is - Is it possible to use another presell page that leeds to the webinar?

:white_check_mark:Second question (If we can use this presell page) - If the visitor buys the course after watching the webinar, how is this sale getting tracked so we get our commision via Clickbank?

:white_check_mark:Third question: When a visitor watches the video on the actual presell page, there is a link to webinar popping up in the video:


If the visitor clicks on the link and buys the course after this webinar, is this sale trackable by Clickbank?

Sorry for many questions and thanks in advance!

When you get your link from clickbank under PROMOTE to get links, pick the DEFAULT link, then press GENERATE HOPLINKS. (the one you picked is the direct sales page. It is like if you are buying something from a website and does not go to the webinar) When the link comes up, copy and paste it to a different window to see if it is the right one. Then put that link in your Clickfunnels on the presale page.

Thank you Larios. I already did this. I was wondering if this link works when the visitor is getting redirected to the webinar and buys the course after.

Anyone? Help :smirk:

You can use your own presell pages if you wish, as long as you are using the hop link to SAS your customer will be redirected to the webinar.

The page you have stated is the direct to sales page. If you go to the hop link options when generating, the default page is the opt in webinar :slight_smile:

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