posted my first Google ads 'search ad' today. got taken down/flagged by Google ...

Hi guys,

I’m not discouraged. John warned that these kinds of things can happen. Got saw a note in my Google adwords account that they suspended my ad and account because of ‘suspicious payment activity’. Strange, since all I did was pay $9/day from my own bank debit card. I filled out an inquiry with Google to see what the problem was…most likely it will get cleared up with my explanation. I will let you know what the resolution is. Should take a couple business days. Don’t let these little setbacks slow you down. There’s always a way to work through or around an issue!

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Awesome Dough @doug_mcwilli,
That’s the spirit…stay focussed and don’t let anything distract you! Keep us updated how everything turns out :v:

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update: I’m still waiting to get a response from Google. I can’t imagine it’s anything that can’t be fixed. I will update you when I have a response. RIght now I’m thinking about what other resources I can use other than Google