Picking a niche without all the info

Hi all,

Just purchased my first solo ad through Udimi and I plan on split testing it with a couple different solo ad networks/sellers.

The next milestone in the training is to pick a niche, but I don’t feel confident choosing one until I start to track results of my sales off the SAS offers provided. I don’t want to commit in a direction that has low margins, etc. What tips do you have for feeling informed about a niche, getting solid profit margins, and still stepping through the milestones?


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Consider that most niches have both high and low margins, and the right niche is what you have some interest in. Building out your business is a long term endeavor with medium, long and short term goals.

Personally I like to see what others are saying and selling regarding the general products I am interested in. For instance, I want to know that Keto diet pages on Facebook/instagram etc are active, and I want to know what products they are selling. Are these products branded and what pages/business are associated with them? This is what I look for myself, match that with what is doing well in Clickbank or the network of your choosing. Once your own personal gauge of success begins to feel second nature other potential sources of success will become apparent.

Again though, your niche has to be a personal interest as the success is in the long term commitment.

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Thanks for your reply! That’s helpful from a research perspective.

I imagine I’ll get into this once I’m deeper into the training, but I imagine even with lower price offers we’ll be able to scale adequately through list building, etc. yeah? Otherwise the vast majority of these offers are so much lower in price than the SAS offer the margins don’t seem to work unless there’s massive scale behind it.

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You could absolutely scale adequately with list building, although that is the cart before the horse. The question is, how you influence the users to sign up to that list first. The better calls to action the better results. Think about those things that people might really want to know or see or find out. They will end up signing up, clicking through, purchasing etc.

I don’t think you should assume that a positive return can only come through high commission margins. Sure, if you have loose targeting to capture a broad user base this will be the case although many people make 10% or 20% profit from offers that only pay 10% commissions. It all depends on the targeting. The course will go over different methods.

I am actually in the process of putting together a Facebook ads course, please feel free to check it out!


In a nutshell, as Josh mentioned, the most important factors when choosing a niche would be your affinity to that niche, and its popularity.

Another thing you’d want to consider is how easily can this niche be promoted on the different advertising networks. Reason being, Google, Facebook and others tighten up their policies with each and every passing year, due to the rapidly developing ‘ease of use’ of the internet and straight-forwardness of opening an online business now, giving way to various scammers and fraudsters. So ‘safe’ niches might also have an edge, make sure you take a good look at the JV materials of the products you’re interested in, to see that they comply well with all regulations.