Payment for Commissions from Solo Ads for Pre-sell Page

Hi John,

I am in module 3 and have successfully created my presell page, using one of the SAS pro templates on Adzilla and also have my affiliate ID for CB input on the host. I was wondering, if I am to advertise my presell page for solo ads on Udimi for email traffic and if it makes sales and I earn commissions, how am I going to receive the commissions, or where can I check the status and the progress of the solo ads ?

I understand using direct hoplink from clickbank will allow me to track my progress and income but it is not the same case with presell page.
Is there anyway I can track my presell page I’ve made through Adzilla?

Waiting for a response badly.


Hi Tazkia,
I’m not sure if you were able to get an answer to your question, but there is a Youtube
Channel called “How To With Evan,” and he has a video called “How to Track Clicks & Conversions for Capture Pages.” It is part of a series has about Solo Ad Training. Hope this helps.