Partnering up for module 1-6?

Hi there,

I’m kind of struggling here. Next module for me is Google Ads, however, before moving forward, I’d like to make sure what I’ve done so far is set up correctly.

I’d like to collaborate/ partner with someone. Whether you’re new or experienced, two heads are better than one.

If anyone is new, I’d be more than happy to go through the courses so we can learn together! (And I can share what I’ve learned as well).

If experienced, I would like confirmation /advice on my progress.

I’m open to jumping on calls or zoom so that we can learn together.

If anyone would like to do this together, please let me know?


Hi, call me Rej, it’s been a few months since your post but if you’re serious about collaborating with someone serious about making this work, you may gain by considering my friendship.

my objective is to make $18k per month, 12 months from now. I’m starting with a $2000 budget that I will be reinvesting until I reach my goal.

As an opener, what would you like to share with me about you and what would you like to know about me?

Tell me, why have you come to John Cristani’s course, are you still active and what is the most significant progress you have made since Nov?

Hi Miso,

I’d love to have someone else to discuss the program with. I feel like it would help me immensely. Sometimes it just takes discussing it with someone else or hearing someone else’s perspective to figure things out.


Are you available to go through module 2 together? I don’t get it and I understand that Adzilla has now replaced some of the programs.

Hi, I am also needing help with Module 2.

I’m feeling frustrated about module 2. I have asked for help from support several times and gotten none. I think there is too much information in the module and Ilya talks and moves too fast on the screen for notes to be taken and to comprehend the material. There is literally no support for us, apparently. Perhaps that is how they convince people to sign up for the $4,000 coaching program-I’m not sure. My feeling is if the quality of this program is not there, I’m not going to spend more money until the issue with this module is resolved.

I’d be interested in. Partnering

hi miso 1086! I’ve just signed on 2 days ago, and I was knocking around the forum (just to get a “feel”, don’t cha know) when I saw the post you left almost a year and a half ago. May I ask you "if you ever got a response to your note? If so, was it positive or helpful? Well, hopefully, at this point in time you’re probably well established, secure and confidant about your mastery of this affiliate marketing thing; still feels a little intimidating to me…just a bit, that is. But I plan on giving it my best shot! just wondering how it worked out for you. Thanx.

Hey all, so what ever happened to this idea, is there any kind of group working together?? What a fantastic idea – I want in! I agree with all said above: module 2 is confusing, Adzilla has issues, there seems to be no help in this forum from anyone at HQ, and it was really expensive to get in here! Would love a group effort… please reply!

Seems like we’re in the same boat. Would you like to be accountability partners and get through this program so we can start making some MONEY****