Our Website names

In John’s week 2 he mentioned that the Domain name we purchase (in Coolhandle at the time) can just anything ie. B777ssl.com
In his youtube video he points to his website domain travelmoney.life in the youtube ad he created… definitely a Brand name.
Why this one more important then the other?

Hi Parjonett!
In most of the cases people get to your page clicking on your ads, which you create on Facebook or Google, so in this case the name of the domain is not that important, since the potential customers don’t actually type that domain on their address bar, but are essentially directed straight to it through the link on your ad.

But if you want your domain to be found on search engines, and you want people, or leads, visiting your site directly from the address bar, your domain should better represent your niche, be relevant and make a good impression on the customer.

If a good domain name is available, then rather use it, and not random numbers and letters :slight_smile:

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Ok that makes sense, thanks for the info llyaG

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