No Sales, What can I do?

John made it sound so easy before I bought the course. I just followed the steps and have had no sales. Iā€™m running the google search ad, display ad, and the video ad. and have had no sales yet. What can I do to improve? Iā€™ve set everything up week by week. This is my link I have a squeeze page where I capture the email and that directs them to JCā€™s affiliate page (my clickbank link). The ads was set up exactly per JC. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

Donā€™t give up, success doesnā€™t happen overnight! But while we wait for others in the community to share their tips, Iā€™m tagging in our coaches @jenny.slukynsky and to see if they can lend some advice :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you very much. I thought this was all plug & play.


Thereā€™s a few things I would focus on prior to running anymore traffic to this page. First, there are broken images at the top which should be fixed. Possible include one of the intro videos and a testimonial. Make the design just a bit more streamlined. I think the page is suffering from distrust just simply due to it not looking good to the users.

Second, when you restart your ads, how about you start with Google Adwords and we can talk about the targeting you are using. I believe too much at once will inundate, although first letā€™s get that landing page cleaned up.

Hi, Thanks for the help. I do not understand what you meant by broken images. here is my squeeze page I donā€™t know if you got the right link itā€™s https://philmancini.bizI donā€™t have a video or testimonial. I didnā€™t design this, this was Johnā€™s squeeze page. All I did was add the optin link with a redirect to johns scheduling page for his course video.
And as far as the advertising I thought I was using google adwords. Is there a difference from google and google ad words. Thanks!