No mobile filter in SOLO Ads

Hi Guys,
I am doing the work within the scope of week 1 and buying some SOLO Ads.
We are meant to be removing Mobile traffic from our Ads as it does not convert well with high ticket (I am promoting SAS) offers.
The question is I have not found any good sellers so far in Udimi willing to use the “No mobile” filter on their subscribers list.
Maybe I should go to another ads network like Igor?
Any suggestions?

Yeah… its a matter of wading through sellers. some are able to accomodate but most wont because most people check emails on the phone.

Thanks Victor. That’s consistent with my previous experience in dropshipping. Mobile traffic is as high as four times desktop. I might explore Igor Ads.:face_with_monocle:

Hey Mario, yep as Victor had mentioned, while on Google Ads for example it’s easy to hide the ad if the person is surfing from Mobile, Solo Ads use Email, so since we all have email apps on our phones, it would be next to impossible to deliver that. I’ll also be a bit extra “bold” here and say, that whichever seller promises to deliver a solo ad to “no mobile” via Email, cannot guarantee that in any way. How would anyone know that their subscribers don’t have their email apps on their phones? Impossible :slight_smile: So that’s something we need to take into account with Solo Ads.

However there is onne advantage here, being: If a potential customer saw an interesting email on his phone during work / school / noon stroll, there is still a chance that he’ll come home later and look-up that email again, to check deeper. Something that isn’t possible to do on the fly with Google Ads for example

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So just to confirm my understanding, avoiding mobile traffic, specially for the SAS offer, is something that we want to do in FB or Google Ads?

The auto webinar can conceivably be seen within minutes of registering. But… it is 1.5 hrs long. I cant imagine anyone being on theor phone the entire time.

Now… if you have adapted your landing page to capture emails… you have the opportunity to follow up. In addition when they register… you get cookied and they opt into john’s list.

So… you should send at least 14 emails… john will send emails too. If they sign up before the cookie expires, you should get credit for the sale.

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I think I will see landing page setup in week 2 and later. I’m already watching videos about it.
Thanks Victor