No edit survey options in my clickfunnel


As I was following through the steps in Clickfunnels method, I was unable to complete because there is no edit survey options. :frowning: Help needed, please. Thanks.

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I managed to find it phewwwww. Thanks.

I am now stuck in the same place that you were. Please tell me how did you find the Edit Survey Options? I clicked Popup–> Show Popup–> Settings gear icon on survey page. I got a completely different window from what John got in the video on pre-sell page set-up (clickfunnels). John got a window that said across the top: Settings Themes Advanced. Under that, his page said Top Margin. Under that, his page said Edit Survey Options. I got a page that said across the top 1 Column Row, and then Settings Advanced, and then Top Margin, and then BG image, and then Colors. I have no Edit Survey Options link. So I have not gotten to the point of linking the survey to my affiliate link. I am stuck. Any help is appreciated. Thanks so much. --Carol

Hi again,
I want to see if I can insert a picture of what came up when I tried to edit the survey option to connect John’s ad to my affiliate link. Below is the image link of what I got when trying to edit the survey page.

Sheryl in Support sent me a pdf. I went through each step. It was the hovering over the survey popup that made the settings icon go to the right page this time. It is working.

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