
I had a problem with my worksheet. I don’t quite understand what you want us to fill in under the subcategories. I’m going to sleep right now. When I get up tomorrow and login, I would like help with this worksheet.


Kelly McDowell

Hi @kelmc54! You should see the list of the sub-categories on your worksheet. Mark any of them that are appealing to you. And list the top 3 sub-categories out of those choices. I hope this helps.

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Hello Kelly

I am completing the Niche Categories worksheet as well (so glad someone else asked this) and perhaps someone can step in and correct me or guide me. I went through the list of categories and sub categories - ticked off the ones that I genuinely have an interest in (some more than others) then I noted them down (in my notebook) under the main categories found in the blocks/boxes at the top - Health / relationships etc. Then I counted the number of ticks in each category. Added them up and that told what my main category was.

My problem if anyone is reading this is which one does Travel come under? I think it could come under either Health and/or relationships. Deciding or being clear which category Travel comes under makes my main category very clear and I love clarity! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the information.