New Student from Nebraska

Hello everyone, my name is Gilbert Rael. I just started not too long ago and wanted to introduce myself. Looking forward to moving along with my training, so I can get started on the actual money end of all of this.


Hi there, @gil3960! Happy to finally see you join the community.


YES Gilbert @gil3960 - there is no time to waste!!!
Great to have you on the team! Let me quickly point out the crucial links that will help you on your journey to success and financial freedom:

And lastly I have a little request for you: Please upload a profile picture. :v:

Always keep in mind that success is the sum of little progress that you make every day! These little efforts sum up to big results! So work consistently and make use of our helpful community -share your thoughts, post your questions, help others and simply add your personal value!
It is well appreciated!