New SAS Platinum Member here!

Hello! I am Jon Basmajian (Baz-May-Gin) from San Jose, CA USA.
Just starting out and finishing up Module 1. Excited to be here!

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Hi Jon, Welcome to SAS. I just finished module 2 but unfortunately had to take a break for a while due to a family situation. I will be back soon.

You’re in the right place. SAS is for real; the support of John’s staff is incredible. I’m confident that you will find what you are looking for here.
Please let me know how you are doing. We’re in the same area. Have fun and success with SAS.

Jon, I forgot to mention that SAS has come up with the new App that allows us to bypass all other steps on module 2 but go directly to Adzilla. Just follow the basic tutorial video of Ilya Gurman then it will lead us to complete all the necessary steps to have our domain and website.

Also, they probably forgot to change the quiz, so it was a big problem of confusion for me earlier. I also don’t have pre-knowledge of computer applications or internet business, thus it was a real discouragement to me. However, the Staff helped me out. On the first two questions on the quiz, they told me just say Yes as the answer then the staff would figure it out. Since we’re about the same stage for starting, I want to offer this information to save you the confusion time that I went through.

Just trust John and the staff, they are truly here for us.
Wish you all the best.