New presell page without survey

Hi! I am wondering if there are any presell pages for SAS that do not have the survey? Is there also a page to the website where a person acan just buy the program without watching the whole webinar? I personnally would have bought this program without watching the long webinar, as I take the opportunities that come along. The guy on Udimi rejected my ad for the same reason, saying people will not go past the survey as it is not a big selling way, and that the webinar does not drive sales. He has a 60% success rate, so I do believe he knows what he talks about. I would love to try this for fun and see if it works, kind of a split test. Haha! Thank you for your help!

You could go into click funnels and modify the page to get rid of the survey. Everything would remain the same just change the outcome when clicked. I am not a click funnels pro maybe someone else can tell you exactly how to do this.

Also in clickbank when you go to create hop link there are a bunch of options. If you pick direct to sales page the link will go to the sales page without the webinar.
I have found that in some cases a webinar greatly increases sales, but without a webinar you can get more clicks. Just remember that clicks do not equal sales.
The solo ad provider wants to get more clicks, not necessarily sales for you. Food for thought.

Thank you very much for this livethedream! I really appreciate!

You are welcome. I was able to get ride of the survey on my click funnels page. You need to edit the action for the button, change it to URL instead of pop up. Then put in your hoplink for the URL.
Thank you for giving me the idea to do this on my own page!
Hillbilly Jim

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Where is the presell with and without survey?

Btw I am Ange, I started a thread called Peer Accountability under General Discussion so we can encourage and keep each other accountable. I’ve listed my goals for week one. Hope to see you there : Peer Accountability

Let’s encoruage and keep each other accountable because it is so easy to get lost and give up esp with see people who said they lost a lot in SoloAds without a single sale.