New Peeps, heads up, save time! - Google Ads setup

Just got off the phone with Google Ad support. (June 18, 2019)

Heads up: there is no indication that for a new account they start you off with a “smart campaign” (no keywords, no start/stop options, etc.) These options were clearly part of Johns course, but I had to call them to inquire get this adjusted and get "Expert Campaigns” turned on. They have merged what used to be two separate versions of this tool and this is not clear at all to someone who is new. I have given them the feedback to make this abundantly clear from the moment you open an account. In the end I had to delete the “smart campaign” I had just created and start over with an “expert campaign.” (There is no way to migrate a smart campaign to become an expert campaign as of this writing.

Do yourself a favor and click on settings BEFORE you start a campaign and then switch on “Expert Campaigns.” When you do this you will see a wrench with the text “Tools and Settings” appear in the upper right hand corner near your Google Ads account number, like this:


Thanks… I found this helpful.

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Thank you SO much! My gosh I have been struggling with this for nearly 2 days! This is a tremendous help!
Much Success to you and thank you for sharing!

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Thank you so much! I was THIS close to tearing my hear out! :grin: You are the best @timbailey7!

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THANK YOU!!! OMG. I was getting so frustrated.

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Thank you for sharing this valuable shortcut with us!!
I am so grateful for this community of caring business builders!!

I searched through your “Expert Campaigns”. I found nothing. Where are you finding this?

I’m with Travis… I can’t find the “Expert Campaigns” anywhere in the setting tab. Where is it?


I can’t find the “expert campaigns” in the tab settings