New Approved Google Search ad not showing

I created my Google search ad this afternoon and it has been approved, and I am using the keywords as copied from SAS Resources: Ad Swipe for Google. However I am getting this message next to EVERY ONE of my keywords
This keyword is eligible to run ads

Ad showing in search results?

error An ad isn’t showing now

  • We currently can’t determine why your ad isn’t showing.
    Has anyone else had this problem? How do I correct it?

Yes, I’m also seeing this. I’m pretty sure I saw another thread on this so I’m currently looking for it. I suggest you do the same OR bring it up in tonight’s SAS coaching call.

Hey, did you ever find out a solution to the problem?

Would also like to know if this was solved as I am having the same issue

I’m wondering if maybe my daily limit was already spent for the day, seeing as I have it set to accelerated. I see clicks and impressions coming in, I will just have to wait until tomorrow when my stats update.