My website has not come out right, do I have to start again

These are the issues I’m having and it’s quit a few.

  1. The introduction video has pop ups, one that came up about something about drug abuse and another about add blocking.

  2. My website is insecure, no https

  3. The introduction video comes with a bunch of options to move onto watch a bunch of you tube videos. It strikes me that this is taking people off my ad.

  4. No working video, on the actual presell or sign up page. I thought this to be important.

That will do for now, I think I have to go back the drawing board.

Hello Jungle4jim,
Love the handle, i have not heard the term since I was little took me right back to the park and climbing on the junglegym. I have my website giving a jump from the please send to a Spanish page from my english first page. I think that a rebuild will just be good practice since we all are going to build many of these. Chin up and go forth joyously.