My website doesn't seem to be viewable

Sorry if this has already been addressed a million times, but I have no idea what I’m doing wrong with my website. I’ve followed the instructions for Clickfunnels, and if I try to preview my site, it’s got a strange link that leads to nowhere. I definitely set up the website and launched it. It just doesn’t seem to really exist.

Hi edwyer93, First be sure you are following the PDF * [Step By Step Guide to Set up Your Presell Page in Clickfunnels] under Support Desk. ( I have been using the PDF along with reviewing Presell page Set-up video.

I am having the same issue. When I am in clickfunnels and click the presell page it does link to a page showing my website name. But if I go straight to my web URL I get an uncompleted Word Press page. I have reviewed the steps many times and have not been able to pin point any errors. I also looked through Support Desk and did not find this specific issue covered there. So far I have been unable to resolve this situation but I am going to attempt the manual set up next and see if that makes a difference. If not I am going to seek direct help from the support desk.

Hi @edwyer93

If you want me to take a look please email me at [email protected] with your Bluehost and Clickfunnels log ins and your hoplink :slight_smile:

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I’ll happily take a look!

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I do not know if it was you or someone else on SAS Support Team, but I just rechecked my website after sending in the requested info and it is corrected!! YAY! Thank you so much!!
Now I do need to know did I commit an error? If so I need guidance so I do not repeat it. If this was a technical issue how do I avoid that with future set-ups?
I so appreciate your support and assistance!

I am also having the same issue - when I go to Bluehost like John said to type in site name - nothing comes up. Seems ok via ClickFunnels. What info do you need to help me

Sonja Fullwood


Are you free today to jump on a call and get this sorted?

I seem to be having the same problems, everything looks good through ClickFunnel but isn’t viewable when I type the site address.

I am not able to get the hop link saved in clickfunnels…for the redirect
I have pasted it a dozen times now and every time i go back to check…it is not there

I have gotten our site working

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