My Vision Board

Hi there
I have finished 2 week too
The last lesson is very amazing, I understand what John wanted to say, it’s very similar the film “The Secret” and really I have think about affiliate and conversions for some time then I have generated 20k commission in 1 month
Now I have a little bit abandoned my vision but thank John with this lesson I have created again and put in my screen desktop background, and I can see every day

I want to suggest another tip
Install in your chrome extensions this addon “Death Focus”
This just count how many days on average there remains to live
I know it is slightly macabre but this tool remember that we are not immortal, and our time it’s limited, and we must concentrate and focus on our vision, to our dream, ever

Thank’s a lot for reading
See you soon


Good job on the high motivation Marc! Though I personally wouldn’t like a remainder of how many days I got left to live every day, I hope that motivates you further :smiley:


Hello Marc, nice job in creating your vision board. I really loved the last lesson in week 2 and I got inspired in creating my own vision board. I guess its a video I will return to more than once. Thank you John!


Hi Everybody!
Just Completed my Vision tapestry using the computer, my printer, and a paper background.
I hope the picture of it isn’t too dark to see.

  • carol


My vision board is all about having more time


This is my vision board that i’m working toward!


Looks Mint Bro! Gotta get going on my vision board!

This is my vision board I am working towards!


Sweet! Let’s go get it!

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I’m interested to see how I redo this next year :wink:


Hi Kristin~
Love the quote “It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger” - how true! Yes - will be fun to see what will change next year!

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Hey Hi…Love that quote as welI. Just finished viewing the last video in week # 2…John’s exhortation to
assemble our vision board ! Looking forward to creating mine as well.
Thanks for sharing Keish… : )
~ Sean

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Nooooooice Fellow Jest setter !
I’m starting mine tomorrow morning.
~ Sean


Finished week 2 yesterday and put together my own vision board.


I like your style! Love the house and that kitchen :smiley:

Family and love for the win!

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Thank you! Your vision board looks great too! I don’t do well in the kitchen, but my wife loves to cook and she would absolutely love to have a kitchen like that! :grinning: