My problem with facebook

Hey, I’m in tears! First, I posted my first FB ad after watching Week 1 and it was disapproved. So I tried a new tactic and tried to boost it differently and I am at a loss on how to do an FB ad if they don’t allow ‘work from your computer’ ads of any kind? Will there be an update on how to run an ad on Facebook in the Module? And here I am trying to be John’s next success story! HELP. Tish Ciravolo

Ad Can’t Run: Update Website URL

This ad isn’t running because it doesn’t follow our Advertising Policies. We don’t allow ads that promote unclear, misleading, “work from home”, MLM, get-rich-quick, or deceptive employment opportunities.

If you’ve read our policies and think that we made a mistake, you can request a second review by our team.

For some strange reason Facebook has an issue with the Super Affiliate System ads provided in the training. What I would suggest is using an image instead of video and see if it gets approved.

Is your FB page brand new, Tish? FB is known to be harder on new pages that try to advertise. I had no problems getting the ad approved because I used a page I had already made several posts.

A few things to try:

  1. Makes some posts on your page - this can build familiarity and trust with FB’s algorithms and such
  2. Try the appeal process until it gets approved
  3. I’ve heard several other people having success submitting the legal letter John created for FB ad approval… not sure that’s still relevant, but could be worth a shot

Hey Tish,

I had the same issue at first but once I added a few posts to my new Facebook Page and tweaked the Ads a couple of times FB finally approved my Ads and since then I haven’t had any further issues. I just changed the Ad title line slightly from what is suggested in the SAS program.

I have also found that if I submit my new Ads in the morning they are more likely approved than when I do them at night. Maybe in the morning I’m having a real person check over it rather than a Bot :laughing: who knows! But if it works I’m a happy girl!

It is nice to hear that SAS ads are getting approved. Even on new FB pages.

Check your work carefully - it’s easy to make errors when you are doing this for the first time (or even after that!). Do a search on this forum for banned, suspended, and Facebook. You will find a ton of people have been in a similar situation. There are also many solutions, including a letter in legalese that John Crestani had his attorney prepare. That works. A lot of the decisions are made by bots, not humans. It doesn’t take much to convince a bot that you are running an illegal scam operation! Fortunately, some strongly worded (without being abusive!) emails and a copy of the letter usually gets the attention of a human and approval follows shortly. You can also point out the text on the landing page indicates that it is not any of the things the bot thinks it is! Take a deep breath, don’t panic, and check in tomorrow - you will probably find it has been approved.