My login to clickbank was different?

hey, i was following through week 1 of joining an affiliate network and it seems like the signing in procedure i went through was different to the one done by John. at first i thought it was coz I’m in a different country but even proceeding forward i cannot access dashboard like he does?my clickbank account loggedin

and now again

I have a very different setup of the reporting section, i mean the whole clickbank sining in was very different and i tried to use the link from resources but it is not giving me the same setup and the same layout. i mean i can’t find the info that John has when he opened his reporting?!

this is how it is showing on my mac:

Im totally having the same issues, Im in the UK and i thought that was why it looked different to start with but its all in a different order too :thinking:
Did you figure it out? Did you just go ahead with it?

I’ve got the same problem and I am in the USA. Did you ever get to the pages John was illustrating? I’ll see what the support desk can tell me. I’ll come back here if I find anything helpful.
Nice to chat with folks from other countries.

I’m sure you figured it out by now, but for anyone else wondering, you click on the accounts tab on the left and then click on your nickname (or screen name) and that will take you to the page where you can select marketplace, reporting, etc, and it looks the same as the video.


emskysdad – Thank you for your response. You’re so kind and I’m so lost. I have created an account with a nickname. When I click the accounts tab and click on my nickname I come to my Account Home page. There it asks me to confirm my email add. Yet it never sends me an email to confirm. Another problem to be solved later.
What I haven’t been able to access is the screen with 3 headings. Personal Info, Banking Info and Account Info. Any idea how I get there? Thanks ever so much.