My first solo ad and i am glad

Hi everybody, I did my first solo ad and I am pumped!

I’m still in week one and I’m learning like allot you, but for me this is a big win, money or not.

I just had to get over analysis paralysis!

Here what I used.

UDIMI seller named Jason Thompson I purchase 100 clicks $43 bucks…not rich just testing and figuring

I used john email #5

I promoted Crestani’s system on click bank

LESSON LEARNED I forgot to turn of mobile and tablets, so next time I know.

I will share results as my seller has only 30 clicks out there so far.

I didn’t even see a mobile and tablet button! Am I missing something.

Hey Hawaddbdi98,

When you’re selecting how many clicks you want, there are filter buttons that can be selected to filter out exactly what kind of format or clicks you’re looking for. From what I’ve seen, filtering out the mobile and going more specific does bring the ppc up a little bit.

Hey! How is it going? Any updates for you???

not yet…im gonna send out another ad this friday…ill keep ya updated…thanks for asking!!

@ benofresh2003 I looked at him also – let me know how he does for you. I used Stephan Lindbom for my first (just did tonight —I had to go back and watch video again).

some of them are greyed out — which I THINK means we don’t have a choice and that is part of their system. I had to choose a different seller where I was given the option to say NO to mobile.