My FB ad has been disapproved but I have a big smile on my face!

So last night was a major high as I made my first commission and then when I logged in this morning I had an email from Facebook saying my ad had been disapproved after running for 3 days(this is where my sale came from btw). Anyway, you may be wondering, why the hell am I smiling? Very simple my friends, anything worth having does not come easy! Just a few years ago if I was faced with this exact situation I probably would have bitched and complained and blamed FB for being jerks or saying this is BS and possibly give up. I am smiling right now because that is totally not the case. I came here and read that other people have been faced with this challenge and there are ways to resolve it and move forward. It may sound simple to some or corny but I am growing as a person and I love it! If any of you have read my post(s) you know that I love analogies and here is my take on this:

SAS is a Ferrari(or any kick ass car of your choice) and this is the first time I have ever driven one. So I fired up the engine, put it into first gear, went flying out of the gate super fast, super hard and holy shit was it exciting! Obviously, in all of my excitement, I didn’t see that there were some nails on the road and I ran over one and got a flat tire. Thankfully I am here safely in the garage and to my delight there are tons of extra tires! Today I am putting this bad boy on the lift, grabbing a tire, impact wrench and getting ready to roll out!

Stay positive everyone, we are in this together and John has given us all the knowledge, tools and support we need to keep on cruising! Each and everyone of you are beautiful, wonderful and awesome…cheers!

Will Krahn