My Facebook Ads Result

hello everyone!

here my result

I want to know what are the those beware ? and is this result is good or not ? i little bit scared about my future becoz i am confuse with this ads and i don’t know why i have to spend this money ? and when my money will come back or my commission ? please someone help me? English is my second language sorry for any mistake .

best Regards


Facebook ad approval tips has been discussed on this thread: FB ads disapporval - please review that information for ways to get your ads approved.

Right now per your image, your ad account is not running. You will want to request a review after going over the tips and updating your ad.

Let us know if you have any other questions. You can also reach us in the support desk [email protected]


Hi Sheryl— I wondered where you went— there is a new replacement now… I was afraid I had driven you crazy with questions and problems… and you resigned… I was really worried about you… SO SO HAPPY TO SEE YOH ON HERE— I’m a beginner along with you… I feel like you are my sister. :purple_heart:

Paula Bagby

Hi Paula,

Always happy to answer any questions you have! No worries there :slight_smile: