My adds - Not approved in facebook, whats the problem... low costs?

or what have I done wrong… or should I raise the cost? we don’t use dollars, so different amount of value.

Hello Tom,

To start I would take care of the two issues noted on the top of your screenshot where they want you to respond to messages for setup. If that does not let them run then you should have a message from them in your message center that will say why they are not approved.

I see a review and publish button that should be attended to
Also if your page is new facebook will not approve ads for SAS
Make a few post about something else and boost them for a day or 2 and then
try the sas ads again.

Hi Tom – were you able to get up and running?

@toddperry This is insightful. If I create a new page just to promote SAS (which I did) Facebook won’t approve it? Their first rebuttal said they don’t allow advertisements for MLM or ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes. If I want to promote my page, what kind of things should I post about? Business, the product, or does it matter?

Looking at your image up there your ad account can not post ads.
It would be best to contact facebook and see what the issue is.

Hey Mate,

When I created my facebook ad, my ad was not approved. Then I check back and reviewed my ad-copy to see if i made a mistake and it was showing a url i accidently posted in the description from the file John shared. I published again and they rejected my ad again.

I then appeal, using this language: “Hi There, I’ve edited the my ad reviewed it several times I don’t see where this ad voilated FB Policy, I’ve ran several ads before and this is the first time this is happening, please explain what i need to change. Thank you for your help and great work educating us all in the field.”

literally 3 mins after my ad was approved.

I would recommend to new users to facebook ad accounts to run a few none related ads first, spend some money with facebook and the algorythum will see that you are a returning customer. Then you can have a go at it when you build this relationship. Just give it a couple days after you have at least 3-5 orders placed and if you have to appeal, always edify them letting them know what a great job they are doing, this will open doors for you. Hope this helps.

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Hello all,
I’m a newbie, 2 days old and following the program John created on Facebook ads. Reading above, before I launch my ad, I’m wondering if this advice is still valid? I mean, do I need to run a “few none related ads” first. Please let me know so I can not follow the course as stated and do as recommended above.


Hi Alfred,

It never hurts to have a seasoned account with Facebook. They get super picky with new ad accounts and high dollar items are something they look at very closely. You can put up ads for some of the other items in the resources section and see how those work out.