Module 3 reveals the secret of dragging traffic! (Module 3)

Hi friends I have completed the module 3. In this module I learned about the merits and demerits of the free and paid traffic and the power of solo ads. The module revealed the secret of catching traffic into the net. I have already joined with Udimi and Traffic for Me. The interesting part was to me buying clicks. I have already purchased 100 + 200 = 300 clicks both from Udimi and Traffic for Me.


Very well done @nasifdeen! :+1: Keep it going


As Iā€™m at the level of Module 3 also and I just started with a Solo AD on Udimi with 125 Clicks, through Iā€™m promoting the SAS training as a first trial, so could you tell me about your results above ? Which seller to opt for you would advise ā€¦? Which product/offer could I promote the most to maximize my initial profit as an affiliation beginnerā€¦ect ?

Should I prefer instead of Solo Ad, Google Ads and Youtube Ads ?

Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:

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