Module 2. Page doesn't connect with my hoplink


I’ve been trying for two days to make connect the page with my hoplink, but it doesn’t work. I saw in another thread that I had to push enter twice after pasting it into the index edit page. Still without any luck. This is really frustrating, as I can’t go any further with the course.
Does any one have some tips?

My hoplink is from Digistore24. As it doesn’t work to sign up for ClickBank.


Hi there, @karla.mriccardi, I’m sorry to know that you are having trouble with this. Can you tell me what page builder are you using? Are you using Clickfunnels? Please let me know.

Did anyone ever find an answer to this issue? I am having the same problem: no connection between my click funnels page and my hoplink despite multiple efforts to make this happen. I am certainly open to trying anything as I am stuck and unable to advance further into the course.

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Hi, @km12392795, was I able to answer this concern of yours through the support email? Please let me know.

I just started and have the same issue i have tried everything with clickbank and clickfunnels, the hoplink will not connect to my clickbank, all I get is " This site is no longer in service or has been disabled due to a terms of service violation." . Can someone please help.

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Hi @james_va, do try to generate a new hoplink from Clickbank, and make sure you enter your correct CB ID then paste it to Clickfunnels again and hit the enter button twice.

Otherwise, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and provide me with your Clickfunnels log in information as well as your hoplink for me to look into this from my end.