Missing steps in this process

I was expecting a more step by step process here. I can’t just create an ad, I don’t know how to set up a landing page yet and I haven’t had my account enabled yet by click bank.

Is this course not going to cover this?
John Crestani said he would give us templates, and webpages with ads that work. He said “I’ll show you how to do exactly as I do” but I can’t see this.

I’m getting confused by all this because I paid a lot of money and so far I’m feeling that the guidance has holes and I’m seeing other people lose a lot of money.

Please help?

Hey… sorry about that. Don’t fall victim to the Instnat Gratification mentality. It takes time. If you go to the resources section, you will see about the templates, buyers data, swipe files and everything else that was promised… BUT… if you don’t go through the course, you will not have context. That first week wait is really boring… I know… but if you chose John to be your teacher, then respect your own decision by letting him teach the course at the pace he indicates.

Week 1 you learn what the business is: buy ads (in this case, solo ads) to promote your SAS link (found at the top of the page), then track your “hops” on the clickbank reporting tool. Maybe you will get a first run sale. Probably not. The idea is to learn the process.

Good luck! Holler if you have a question. The admins are great and many students will chime in.

Thanks vperez. I really appreciate your response. I’m from South Africa so I got worried when I saw other students say they cant keep putting in $100 into their ad spend. I definitely cannot waste money. But yes. I’ll just be more patient.

Hello, I just started a few days ago, and if you follow the course videos in the sequence they are set, you will come to the section that shows you how and where everything is. I followed along, and opened up tabs for the links when watching the 'Solo Ads Set-Up video, and was able to place my ad in Udimi. We are all here to learn from John, and being able to reach out to each other is amazing!

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I relate… but according to Kiyosaki… the goal is to have a business where you can walk away from it and it still generates income. Its actually how I started my business. I used to be a phone interpreter… then got others to do it with me… then eventually… for me. Just my two cents… Id try with 1 first… see how it goes.

Hi Hansen

I’m also from SA, I feel you on the exchange rate, just bought 50 clicks and it cost me R355.00

I have been at this for a year now on and off, there are a number of road blocks but we have to keep the big picture in mind… freedom.

I also felt that there were a lot of blanks and we are left to fill them in but after starting again, I made a decision to get involved in the community, support is there. That was my first mistake , I stayed Isolated.

This is definitely not a get rich scheme, we have to follow the process and stay positive.


Hello Hansen and the others, thanks for your contribution :slight_smile: I’ll be straight up here: John gives the customers EVERYTHING they need in terms of links, discounts, tools and education, however you do have a part in that process and without actual work and some dedication, it would be hard to succeed.

The marketing world is an ever-changing environment! Something that worked yesterday doesn’t necessarily works today :slight_smile:

The goal of our program is not only to show you step by step how affiliate marketing is possible and what are the best practices, but to teach you the process so you can apply everything John and the team provide as a true independent marketer and business owner, to learn yourself how to find products, how to build your own website and how to advertise your products, to generate commissions. The practices shown on our course, along with all the support and tools we offer (which are TONS), are there to pave your way to becoming a successful marketer and reach your financial goals. You are never alone on that process, the support team, John and the other users are there, until the moment you make your first commission, which you can then turn to hundreds.

We have various tools that can assist you on your way to success, this includes our weekly live webinars with Sara and our advertising experts, our knowledge base, which contains many articles and video tutorials to expand your knowledge and diversify your skillset, and our forum, where you can exchange information and ideas with the support team, with our coaches and with other members.

I’m sure we can get you up and going soon and first results are definitely in the horizon, just follow along with John’s course and you’ll soon put everything in place :slight_smile: Here’s one tutorial for a quick presell page building process, if you want to practice :slight_smile:

I do not see that link on the main page. Where is that link?

Hey Jason, which link?

The affiliate link that is on the picture

Hi Jason, just send me your Clickbank ID o [email protected] and I’ll have it up for you!

Hi, I appreciate your response on this.

I do want to mention that I had that same confused feeling when I got to the end of Week 1. I think it’s because the language used by John in the last couple of videos, or maybe the last one, feels like it is the close of the bootcamp rather than the beginning where we are. I had some questions similar to what I’ve seen here but when I looked at week 2’s modules I saw they were being addressed. The problem is you don’t see that until you complete all of week 1 including sending in your homework.

I think that may be why there is confusion. You get a sense that you are getting it all right there in week 1 rather than over the next couple off weeks, particularly week 2. Even if logic tells you that’s probably not so and John is providing all you need. :slight_smile:

Just a thought.
