May 3 Coaching Call Questions

Hey everyone! If you have any new or follow-up questions to be addressed in the upcoming Coaching Call, please post them here. I will be on from 3PM till 4PM PST to answer questions primarily about Facebook Ads and Google Ads. We will continue the discussion on the ad approval process and how to handle disapprovals since I’m still seeing lots of questions on the topic.

Last week was the biggest turnout yet, let’s keep it up!!

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I see that in Resources there is a list of 150K bizopp buyers. But we have been told in Week 1 to target our FB ads without using this (to produce a lookalike audience). Instead we are supposed to use the ‘normal’ targeting approach (i.e. age, gender, behaviors, interests etc).
If we are going to risk money on advertising, shouldn’t we be doing it in the most efficient way possible from the get-go (or are we supposed to experience losing money first, so as to better appreciate the results when we finally get to do it in the optimal way?).

Hello to everyone!

I have a problem. I am from Venezuela, but I moved to Peru a year ago. I tried to create a Facebook Ad. In order to do this I have to add a payment method. When I clicked to add a new one, Facebook didn’t allow me to do so because of my country’s currency (Bolivar / VES) is not allowed on Facebook. I sent a message saying that I moved to Peru, but it will take one to two business days to have a reply back (I sent the message today). I would like to start promoting on Google or YouTube. The problem is that I just finished week one. I don’t want to wait 4 or 5 days to run a campaign. What Can I do? What do you recommend?
