Manual method. Hoplink not registering!


I did everything on week2 on how to set up the manual method for SAS. My site is up and running my only problem is when I click " Send me to the online training" it redirects to “” not to my own hoplink. I even double checked on clickbank if the click registered and it didn’t. I Also edited the index.html and replaced the hoplink to my own hoplink like how John did in manual method video, but still no luck… please help

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Figured it out guys sorry lol.

I didn’t realize that I was using the same ip address to check clicks on my hoplink. Just needed a different IP for a new click to register .

I have the same issue as jerik.elizaga04 with the clicks not registering on Clickbank when I load my site. It also redirects to

I’ve spent over 7 hours trying to get this to work. I tried 2 different computers as well as it was suggested in the previous post that a different IP address would make a difference but it does not. The visits to my site do not register in Clickbank.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much

im having that same problem but u have to watch the click funnels video as well something in there shows u how and im rewatch it again and again to i get right

I’m having this issue also… even though it redirects to my hoplink with my clickbank id in the url, the hop just isnt registering.

This is very frustrating as ultimately this determines whether or not you get paid. Did anyone figure this out yet? I haven’t yet tried a different computer but it sounds like that might not work as well.


Update… tried my roommates computer and it still didnt register. Anyone figure this out yet?

Sorry to bombard everyone but I actually just figured this out.

Not sure why but when you add a tracking ID when you generate the initial clickbank hoplink it shows up. Just search via tracking id

Hi. I had an issue also. I just carefully (pausing now and again) went over

[Clickfunnels Method 26m 17s]


once again and now I’m Great! I am Up and Running.:money_mouth_face:

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Hi I need some help! I messed up and didn’t do the manual method before I tried to do the clickfunnels method. I messed up the pre-sell page and I have no idea which domain I need to use because Blue Host took me to Word Press … I didn’t want to ask for help for fear of sounding completely like an idiot but I am swallowing my pride because I must make this work. Can I get some advice on how to remove the SAS funnel from clickfunnes and start over?

@vemillions59 @michaelcurland Guys, about Clickfunnels, you just need to be a little more careful and follow the steps properly. Don’t worry, we all make mistakes! If something got messed up, feel free to start all over, going through this video first and then inputting your link according to this one?

@raverell, we’ve got that figured out through support, right?

Do not hesitate to contact Bluehost technical support. They are awesome. (I used to spend hours trying to figure things out on my own, then learned that their tech support folks can usually take care of the problem in minutes). You can use the “Chat” feature in Bluehost, select Tech Support, and they will help you. I accidentally created two “Test” folders when I first set things up using the manual method, and when I contacted Bluehost tech support and asked how I could find that first one and delete it, he actually deleted it for me.

Make sure in Bluehost, where you enter your own Hoplink, that this piece of code appears directly BEFORE your Hoplink:

div id=“redirect-link”

Otherwise, it won’t re-direct to your Hoplink.

When I followed the Manual Method video, my website worked, but whenever I would test it by answering “Yes” to the three questions that pop up – and then I would go to Clickbank, no “Hop” had occurred.

I discovered this when I reviewed John’s video again and took a screen shot of where he replaced the Hoplink in the code with his own Hoplink. Unlike mine, John’s had that piece of code. I am not sure if I accidentally deleted that piece of code when I entered my Hoplink, or if that code is missing from the file provided by the SAS training. Since so many people are having problems with it, it may be the latter.

Here’s the screen shot from John’s training: