Manifestation Magic Presell Pages

Manifestation Magic is a top 10 Clickbank product, and we now have some article landers you can use to help you promote this offer.

Here are the landers (in clickfunnels)

Hope this helps!



Hi John,
Can we just pick any product in clickbank we want to promote? ones that has over 100 gravity or the newbies are limited this time…? Thanks John.

Thanks John. Just set up this page and began promoting.

HI, I see the clickfunnel. Is there a target video ad that is offered for Manifestation Magic like SAS. Is there a winning target audience? I don’t see one. Or is this where we try and target ourselves.?

ive added thes to my clickbank funnels, is that it or do I need to anything further with
them, as you did in the video with the pre sell page.

just make sure you have your own affiliate links in the presell page, and make your ads.

thank you for your answer,

so do I need to add my affiliate link to each lander/ presell page individually as I did the first time, or just the original /first pre sell page only ?


I would advise you to be thorough. Anything that us clickable… images keywords etc… i would put the affiliate link there.