"Make money without spending a dime"

Hi Guys great course so far;

First week facebook ad setup par 2:
At the end of the video John talks about the following: “Make money without spending a dime”

I can not find the link in the SAS to offer the ad in my social network

Please anybody can give me some info?


sorry Sara, I just noticed it was on top of the page the link…ok how can I cancel this?

No worries :slight_smile:
We’ll leave it here for others. Someone asked on the webinar today as well.
Here’s a screenshot

Hi, Sarah. Is it possible for me to get that social media advertising link if I don’t have it on my home page? :pleading_face:

Hi @zinta.liice Zinta, yes for sure there is a way :slight_smile: Can you send me your clickbank ID on a private message? And I’ll set this up for you!

hey llya if i send you my clickbank id can you set this up for me aswell its not on my home page ethier on top screen

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Of course Charlie, I’ve sent you a private message, was it all set up?

would you be able to set this up for me as well? i will send my clickbank ID.