Lost in Week !: what happened to what was promised?

Please help. I seem to have missed something. Here’s what I thought we were supposed to do, based on the sales webinar and materials:

  1. To start with, we were REQUIRED to promote only a few products that John told us to promote, and that we would be supplied landing and presell pages for that.
  2. That the PRIMARY way of generating traffic was Facebook ads.
  3. That it was realistic to be able to see profits of $460 within a day, or at most a few days.

Instead, I am completely lost. I see no mention in Week 1 of a website, presell pages or facebook ads. It seems primarily about solo ads, which are based on email campaigns, as far as I can see. And there is no mention of promoting the products I thought we were required to agree to promote. Also, even how to link to products is not clearly explained. I joined Clickbank, and started browsing products with high gravity. The Weight Loss Tea product that John showed us had tons of support materials, but it’s not clear how to use them. In all the later videos, he speaks about swipes without even explaining what a swipe is. I infer that it’s the email text to go in the email, but I can’t figure out where the swipes come from.

So, I have clearly missed something, despite listening closely to every video, taking notes, and trying to follow along with everything presented. I am praying that the rest of you have figured out what I haven’t yet.



Just an addendum: Just now watching Bryan Biscoe’s presentation, which is helpful, but he says that when someone responds to an email, he/she clicks and is sent to your website. But nothing in the course so far discusses setting up a website, so how can we be using solo ads before we are taught to set up a website?

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Hey @rushbusiness

Setting up a website is in week 2 of the training.

You can begin to promote using solo ads by sending out your affiliate link to the solo ad providers.

The course was previously started off using FB ads but we recently changed the structure to give a basic background of affiliate marketing and solo ads rather than jumping straight into FB.

The FB training is now week 5.

If you wish to view the FB training from the previous course, go to Resources > Course Archives > SAS 2.0.

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I’m in the same situation, as enthusiastic I am to get started at the same time I am not clear on how to go about it. I have understood, that we need to select a seller from Udimi, edit the ad, submit, and await approval.
What I am not clear about is what happens post approval?
If I use the email route, who sends the email, who is the target audience? And on the contrary, I choose URL, how is my URL presented to target audience?

Please clarify.


Hi @rushbusiness, I’m sorry to hear that you’re confused, but I’d also like you to trust the system, John knows that he’s doing :slight_smile: the training program is built in a step by step process, and constructed by John to give you the highest chance of success.
Week 2 would be about setting up your site.
Week 3 About Google Ads.
Week 4 about YouTube/Video ads
Week 5 about Facebook and social avertising
Week 6 about advanced techniques and methods.

Solo ads are there in Week 1 to give you a glimpse on marketing procedures, and how easy it can be to generate traffic and get attention to your links/products/website. The course was reconstructed a little to include them in the beginning so indeed Brian talks about Facebook and about your website, though it’s not up yet. I’d recommend you to take some notes and wait for next modules, everything will be more than clear as you move forward.

To help you understand the process better, we have our Knowledge base which various articles, videos and Q & A. Don’t forget to sign up to our weekly live webinar where you can also ask your questions and learn more from our team and advertising expert.


@jagdish_pavan, about solo ads and how they are delivered to their target audience:
It really depends on the provider! Generally these people own blogs, websites, instagram accounts, facebook groups etc, through which they collect emails to build their email list in different niches.

Then, depending on their niche, they can promote your product (Presell page or direct hoplink) to their email list, and therefore make people click on it. If you don’t have an ad text, then it’s the seller’s responsibility to choose their own way to promote your link, and they can do it any way they choose. (Whether it’s good or not is questionable, again, since you DON’T KNOW what they do, that’s why John provides the texts, and you should always add your own ad text if available)

The targeted audience is not very “warm”, since, even though they ARE interested in the niche that you are promoting, they are not necessary interested in buying your product, unlike the clicks you get from google & Facebook, which you can target better and you know at least partially WHO is clicking your ads.

The advantage is that you know exactly how much a click will cost and how many (at minimum) clicks you are going to get.

So let’s say I own a blog about traveling and I publish twice a week, through the years I collected an email list of 10,000 people which are my blog readers and newsletter subscribers. I now offer my services on Udimi. You buy from me, 100 click for your product, which is an extra light sleeping bag . I know by experience that to get 100 clicks, I need to send your product to about 1000 people. So I send them your email swipe ("Hey guys, everybody is using this new awesome sleeping bag now, check it out here! "), and I got you 132 clicks for example (over delivered).


Thank you for all your responses, they were very enlightening. I appreciate it.


Hello rushbusiness, please can you give us an update on how you are progressing now, 5 months into the programme? Any tips?
