Loading bluehost website with Manual files issues when you have more than one website?


I’ve got more than one website on bluehost I’ve followed the steps as per the video training but it does not work, has anyone else had issues when you have more than one website on bluehost?



Yes, Dreid, i got the almost the same problem, when i try in google, to see with /test/, dont show me nothing…
Please, if somebody can tell me why??? i did over and over 4 time, same result…!!

@Dreid39 It may be that you missed a step. Have you gone back through the video by just watching and not trying to follow along. You may recognize where the error is this way. You can also contact Bluehost who can help you upload the file if you send it to the,

@elsabret2020 it may be that you have a pop up blocker turned on. Clickfunnels has 60000 customers using pop ups and their popup functionality, so if it is a problem they will fix it quickly.

Provide screenshots if possible.

You stated you have multiple websites.

Now this may sound obvious, but make sure you check that you are checking the right website.

Otherwise, post some screenshots!

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I had a somewhat similar issue … Bluehoast helped me out. In my case when the domain name was created with Bluehost, it was created as an https. i.e., https://domainurl.com
the domainurl.com/test is done as an http:// … Bluehost can help you out one way or the other, remove the https & replace with http, or do some magic stuff behind the scenes and voila! you have an https://domainurl.com/test