Let's make this money Sky's the Limit..lol

hi to everyone I’m from London I’m only on my first week of training…

Feeling excited with this new adventure I’ve been running my own business for the last 10 years I sold it because never had time to myself now I want to dedicate to myself to affiliate marketing❤

Awesome to hear your story, Christian @christianzamorano7. Hopefully this decision will soon turn out to be the best choice you could have possibly made :muscle:
The whole SAS team welcomes you to the course! As we will be spending the next couple of weeks together, you should get familiar with these pretty faces :wink:
I hope you are enjoying the first week so far…in case you get impatient, do not worry- things will soon speed up and you will see what this basic understand is there for! As you go along, also make sure to attend our weekly live webinars with Q/A…you will also find all the replay videos- so there is plenty of material (in case you get bored :blush: ).
So all the best and we will keep in touch!

I must say there is a lot of information to take in and a lot of things to follow throughout the whole training, how do I know when is the next live webinar? I recently bought a ticket for clickbank, it was on a promotion is and allows you to have more access on clickbank and you get 14-days trial with it, I did try to ask the question how do I use it ,when do I use it, was it a good idea for me to buy this now but I never got the right reply I just got an email saying cancellation but no information?

Hi: I’m a new associate and not seasoned on the internet. I’m looking for a partner who will work with me on a step by step level. I would be willing to pay you for helping me.


I am at the start and could use a partner to work thru all of this.

Cheers, Jennifer to moving forward in a new direction I’m life