July 25th Coaching Call

Hello Super Affiliates! Just a quick reminder, we will be live today at 3PM PST / 6PM EST answering your questions on the SAS Course and various ad platforms!

You may post questions here or bring them to the webinar or both!

If you have not registered for the weekly Coaching Calls yet, you can do so here: https://members.imjetset.com/coaching-calls/

Be sure to join us!



  1. YouTube Video ad is still under review after 4 days. Is this normal? Should I take any action?
  2. Can you comment on why some people achieve early sales, while others do not? Is it luck or something else? By way of background, I’ve tested about a dozen ads on FB and Google promoting SAS and a lower end product (as comparisons). I’m seeing good CTR (generally above 2%) hops, but no sales. Some people are hitting sales immediately. I’m ascribing that to luck for the moment and would like more insight.
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