Jan 25th Coaching Call Questions in Advance

The next Coaching Call will be on Friday January 25th at 3pm Pacific US time.

You can access it at that time inside your dashboard by clicking on the Coaching Call Tab.

For anyone unable to make the call you can ask questions here and we will try our best to answer them all on the call

IMPORTANT: Please follow these instructions to help us answer your questions on the call it is very important

Your questions need to be short and concise as we need to read them out on the call. If a question has more than 2 or 3 sentences it will make it very difficult for us to answer

If you have more than one question then use more than one comment do not ask multiple questions in one comment, We will not answer multiple questions from one comment

DO NOT answer or reply to any questions on this thread please

Please make sure you have watched the past weeks coaching call (available in the ā€˜Archiveā€™ tab here) so we do not have duplicate questions, many thanks

We will close the thread 2 hrs before the call starts.

John, Can you explain more about how best to use Clickfunnels beyond using your funnels (Iā€™ve been using yours now for 4 mos and am ready to create my own)? Specifically, how to create MANY different funnels for different Aff Network products, BUT NO website that needs to be built out, and only ONE domain url that I can change out my Slug for each product? Can this be done? Is it a smart way of using CFā€™s??

Are you creating a new FB presell page because the current one with the video all about money will get your FB account shut down as they have tightened the rules

Does this mean that FB is no longer approving ads for SAS?

Hereā€™s whatā€™s preventing your ad from being approved:

Landing Page:

The reason behind our policies:

The content advertised by this ad is prohibited. We reserve the right to determine what advertising we accept, and we may choose not to accept ads containing or relating to certain products or services. We wonā€™t allow the creation of any further Facebook ads for this product.

I am having the same Landing Page Issue and the message saying ā€œThe content advertised by this ad is prohibited.ā€ I donā€™t know how to rebut
this critique.

Guys, I had this with FB as well. I just changed the wording around and took out ā€˜corporate slaveā€™ and resubmitted the ad and the ad was approved around an hour laterā€¦ burnt all my money and not one sale. We get up and go againā€¦