It's Great to be Here

Hello Everyone, my name is Rip Brotherton I from Salem, Oregon, I was the lead cook at a restaurant in Salem for the last 11 years but the owner decided to close the restaurant down which left me unemployed & looking for a source for some income which lead me to the internet which lead me here & learning a ton & very glad to be here & looking forward to meeting & learning with all of you!

Hi Rip~
Great to meet you! The beginning of a new season! Hope it will be a good one for you! :slight_smile:

Hello Rip, sounds like you went through some rough times…but I am glad you are here now! Welcome aboard! I wish you best of luck and hopefully you will be able to achieve your goals! Make sure you mingle with all the other members, participate in the community life here and share all your thoughts and experiences with us! We are all here to help and support you! Enjoy the journey :confetti_ball: