
Hey Everyone!

Iā€™m going to be applying my Quality Assurance/Software Delivery background to my goals and milestones. Feel free to ask any questions, Iā€™d be happy to help. In fact, if anyone is interested, we can start our own ā€œscrumā€ team and reach common goals together!

Over this journey, Iā€™ll be sharing some knowledge and how Iā€™m applying it, posting my results as I go.

The point of the process below is to exterminate the bugs as close to its creation as possible. The longer a bug lasts, the more expensive it. The cost of business not done on that ad, the cost of fixing the bug, the cost of not learning upfront and learning the lesson later.

Test Driven Development (TDD):

Simplicity is key.

  1. Create a test based on other successful user stories. One case - one hop link for example, that somebody else has done and have shared their results over a given time frame that you can work off of.

  2. Now youā€™re going to run the initial test and do exactly like they did, hopefully getting similar results. This is your control.

  3. Now change one thing that you think might improve upon with the original test. Something you learned, something someone else did that you thought was cool. It doesnā€™t have to be perfect, that will come later.

  4. Run that test and try to get it to meet or exceed the previous test.

  5. The final step is clean up. This is where the polishing happens. Is the polishing even another iteration? Does it impact your numbers?

This is whatā€™s known as a ā€œunit testā€ and what you iterate over. In software, this is Level 1 (of maybe 4 Levels) of testing and where most of the testing is done.

There IS a Level 0 testing. And thatā€™s the 1-on-1 coaching, or Xtreme Programming, as we call it. Itā€™s when a QA person is reviewing the programmerā€™s code as theyā€™re writing it, virtually eliminating the bug in the same moment it was created. Itā€™s the fastest way to learn and takes the most courage - and also the most investment.

Fail fast and fail often, they say. You get to your end goal faster by driving the learning curve using processes like these!




Well, just got done going through most of the videos of Week 1. A lot of this is already part of the system, Iā€™m so happy to see that!

Some things are set up now, still need to work on others.

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Howā€™s your journey coming along Kristin?

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Hi Ilya!

Things are going great! I really enjoyed your live training this past week - canā€™t wait for the next one! I downloaded Thrive, but I havenā€™t had a chance to play with it yet (or BlueHost or Clickbank or Wordpress).

So, this week, Iā€™m going to study the ā€œrecipeā€ and make my first batch. I think I have all the ingredients now, but I donā€™t know my process or my parts very well, which is fun. Iā€™m enjoying learning all of this and I canā€™t wait to have some good eureka moments.

Iā€™m planning on spending at least 12 hours this week on this project, so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll make some good headway.

Thanks for checking in! :grin:

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Hello Kristin!

Wow! It is great to see you putting your experience to work here! I wish you the best of luck, and remember to use the tutorials, which provide step-by-step instructions :slight_smile:

Have a great day!


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Awesome, thank you, Jameson! Iā€™ll look at these after the week 2 videos! :grin:

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I made it into the coaching program last night!

I did get stuck with Week Two stuff on Sunday - I had a Bluehost domain already and I wanted to add a subdomain for my affiliate marketing projects. I got that set up on Bluehost just fine. My issue is that I donā€™t know how to get Wordpress to work on my subdomain stuff instead of my main page. Looking forward to talking to my new mentor soon (this morning? afternoon?) and getting squared up with that and on to the fast track!

How I was Able to Create my First Presell Page

  1. Create Bluehost account.
  2. Create WordPress account.
  3. Link Bluehost account with WordPress. Go to WordPress from within Bluehost (WordPress button in the top right corner)

  1. I did Thrive instead of ClickFunnels (for now - a bit cheaper). So create a Thrive account. Download Thrive (must be on any local machine/VM youā€™re using, otherwise, the landing page feature mentioned below wonā€™t be there, even after youā€™ve installed Thrive).
  2. Install Thrive plug-in (Architect) on Bluehost --> WordPress.

6. Get the Presell page specifically for Thrive

  • Go to Super Affiliate Support (
  • Log in (search wonā€™t turn anything up otherwise)
  • Search on ā€œThriveā€
  • Select the article for ā€œHow to add SAS Presell Page on Thrive Architect?]ā€
  • Click on the link to download the presell page, right above the video.
  1. In Bluehost --> WordPress, Click ā€œ+ Newā€ --> Page.

8. Add a title (which will be the page name in your pageā€™s address) and click Launch Thrive Architect.

  1. Go to Settings --> Import Landing Page
  2. Select upload file.
  3. Browse to the zip folder you downloaded in Step 5d.
  4. Publish --> Public.


More tutorials can be found using Super Affiliate Support (, which is how I got it done (between Week 2 videos, Live Training and the Thrive tutorial).

My First Presell Page

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My next step is that I need to call Bluehost about moving my subdomain to a different account and off my personal account. Apparently, Bluehost isnā€™t great with one account/ two separate domains, so Iā€™ll just create two accounts with separate domains instead.

Alright Kirstin, Bluehost shouldnā€™t have a problem assisting you with that. Hope the commissions start piling up soon :slight_smile:

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Listed my first eBay item!

Eat Pray Love DVD Widescreen 2010 Extended Julia Roberts Spanish Subtitles Used

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Continuing along with drop shipping, here is my Seller ID and my first 5 items!

I started off with the lowest limit - $500/5 items, but I followed Davinā€™s tutorial on calling in to the support line. Donā€™t go through raising limits prompt - although the support person now gets another guy on who is probably one of those limit guysā€¦and no pressing zeros anymore, I just said ā€œgeneralā€ for the type of help prompts.

Both support people were very helpful and courteous. My limit got raised to the highest for brand new beginner accounts - $25,000/500 items!

Seller ID: aviatrixvent

Item ID: 193355217803
Item ID: 193355225535
Item ID: 193355256982
Item ID: 193355279659
Item ID: 193355298277

Iā€™ve been trying to keep track of my hours since starting on this journey. I signed up for this program on February 3, 2020 and it is now the 23rd. In 20 days, Iā€™ve spent 62 hours learning and applying all this knowledge, not including time spent at work listening to Inner Circle recordings and live training webinars while Iā€™m at work. I wonā€™t always have time like this (yesterday I worked 12 hours on thisā€¦), but Iā€™m using the momentum and free time Iā€™ve got while Iā€™ve got it. And Iā€™m loving it!! :smiley:

Got some of the business side done last night! LLC and Paydex (business credit score, lines of credit stuff) in the works.

If you can get this started BEFORE paying for coaching, that would be the best. Really, get it started as soon as possible. Iā€™m using Prime Consulting Services (backed by John).


82 hours, 32 eBay listings, no sales - yet :wink:

Made my first eBay sale yesterday!! $20 profit :smiley:

The first sale is complete! No buyer feedback, but itā€™s been delivered!

Also, I got my DUNS number to start building the foundation for business credit - usually it takes up to 30 days, but I got mine the following day!

45 listings so far, 50 tonight - this week has been a little slow with progress due to St. Patrickā€™s Day coming up and I have Irish fiddle gigs Iā€™m rehearsing for. After St. Paddyā€™s, Iā€™ll be back on the roll.

AND this weekend, Iā€™m getting my student pilotā€™s license registered! Here comes the dream!

A second sale followed pretty closely behind that first one, but nothing since. I will be adding more items today though. Profit: ~ $33 to date.

Still staying busy - niche development, research (keyword planner, trends, etc), auto listing tracker stuff.

Iā€™ve had a scammer try to get me, a significant portion of my eBay items have been out of stock, other items have increased their prices significantly, some itemsā€™ shippinng (Amazon) has increased to a month delivery time, so Iā€™m started keeping better track of my items, takes time. Once I get to 100 active listings, iā€™ll dive into software automation on that - till then, motivational suffering.

Still picking a niche. Why is this hard??

Once I get the niche, Iā€™ll get the drop ship website going. Iā€™ll figure this out today! (my week 2 niche idea is not inspiring meā€¦the thing that does inspire me doesnā€™t have a lot of of drop shipping programs, even though it would be a worthwhile niche otherwise - but I got plans for it on the affiliate side!).

Meanwhile, I definitely want to do the affiliate contest @IlyaG :wink: I already figured out what I want to do, just need to finish the drop ship action items first, so hopefully this weekend.


Impressive! Were you dropshipping these products on eBay? Iā€™d love to hear an update!