Is the SNOW (teeth whitening) affiliate program still a good choice?

Hi millionaires,

On Facebook I just saw an ad for WHITE teeth whitener by And someting clicked in me.

Didn’t John once mention that it’s a good affiliate program? Didn’t Carlos Cruz show his landing page for that product? I believe so.

Question: Is still a good affiliate program, in comparison with programs like EZ battery and Woodworking? I’m thinking of gravity, reliability, and overall program quality.

Hi Stefan, yes I believe their affiliate program is going strong. They use lots of celebrities to promote their product and it would be a good idea to try it out.

In order to see their JV tools and the options they offer to affiliate, you’d need to sign up to their program here.

Let us know how it goes!


Yeh Ilya, looks inspiring.

I’ve signed up for their affiliate program.

The only thing I’m feeling a little iffy about is that
(i) there seems to be so few other FB ads for this
product and (ii) I have no clue about the gravity score.

But it seems like a fun product to promote!