Is spit testing the answer?

My Clickfunnels English Presell page is getting a 100% bounce rate. Is split-testing the answer? Or should I tweak something else first?

I’ve had about 200 clicks total across all of my ads. CTRs around 1.5 to 2.2.

But I havn’t seen that translate into hops (What is really sad, most of those hops are me!):


I figured I messed up the manual method of creating my pages somehow, so I updated the pages to clickfunnels, pretty-much created everything new, checked my work, double checked my work.

Ran my ads today (Sunday). And GA is showing 100% bounce rate.

The numbers don’t line up exactly (39 clicks VS 28 users). I figure that is to be expected.
The bounce rate of 100% matches my hops count.

I’m thinking I should split-test the presell page.
Am I missing something?

What bounce rate should I expect? Is typical?
What percent of presell page visitors should be converting to the clickbank page? Typical?

Hi @rho

Hope removing the pop-up helped on this matter.

Thanks for that tip.

How can I know if my ad is bounced?