Is Click Funnels worth it?

I see a lot of issues throughout his forum related to click funnels. I am wondering if it’s really worth it or can I just use the manual method and get similar results? Any other suggestions or feedback?

Once you get the hang of click funnels it is really nice to work with…very easy. It all depends on what you plan on doing and promoting. I have went with the $297/month package right off the bat so that I could maximize a lot…
do the 14 free trial and go from there. (they also have a $97/month package)

This is very helpful, thank you!

a lot of people are doing share funnels…like John has in here for us
I already have over 30 share funnels from various people

Hi @jssikula,

Do these shared funnels you mention, work only on clickfunnils? Are these, the kind of copy & paste thing you can do in click funnils or in any other website platform?
Where did you get the funnels? With people here in the forum?

I appologize if too many questions. I´m just starting here so it’s all new to me.
Thanks in advance.

that is correct…click funnels only work in the click funnel platform…
it just makes it is easy for “done-for-you” funnels…just like John has provided to us…for SAS as well as a bunch of other products he has promoted from Clickbank

it is just the common tool it seems these days…my other share funnels have come from other programs…but it seems like more and more people are using them

hope that helps

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A lot of vendors are creating the funnels so you can easily market their products. It is a one-click solution. They load to your Clickfunnel account and then you insert your hoplink and you are ready to go. You can do the manual method, but then you have to manually update the html to add your hoplink into them plus load the page to your hosting account or do whatever method the seller offers. It is just more complicated.

@ge.campero in a word - YES

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Yes, if you plan on promoting other offers such as a low ticket offer alongside SAS e.g. fat decimator system :slight_smile:

Hi. I feel a little dense atm. I can’t seem to find where the share funnels are. Could someone kindly point me in the right direction, please? LOL I tried searching the term but little came up and no directions on where to find them though I’m told they’re here. Thank you in advance for any help.

The learning curve is steep and it’s rather expensive, imhi. Love Russell’s products but not this one. There are much cheaper alternatives, now, even for those who don’t have tech skills. Fortunately, I can build websites (not WP which I loathe with a passion) so will be building my landing pages independently. particularly as I already have a hosting account which allows me unlimited domains. May invest in Clickfunnels at a later date, if need be.