Is anyone finding the Presell page setup 2 difficult to follow?

That’s all. I don’t even know how to articulate myself. John’s screenshots jump all over around five minutes and I don’t know how he’s getting to the pages he’s on. He says activate here, hovers over a button and then it jumps to a clickfunnels screen shot where the funnel looks to be uploading. Mine doesn’t do that. Is the interface different from the time this was recorded? Is there a setup page that I can’t navigate to within JC dot com? I’m not inept doing these sorts of things but am getting frustrated.

And maybe I’m being really dense here, but at around eight minutes there seems to be a step that is assumed complete, wherein we start a Wordpress account that we can even access our WP plugins via blue host. He says to jump over to blue host after signing in, but he just jumps over to another tab that shows a page with no actual explaination as to how to get there.

Sorting it out…forgive the rant…

We do have step by step PDF tutorials available for both methods: