Introduction to community

hello from Montana! :grinning:

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Glad you are here. Let us know if you need any assistance. I am forever learning and will help if I am able. Do the work, ask questions and have a great time. This works if you work it… As anything. We are a growing family. Get on the weekly webinars they are a life saver.


Hello there, @gmuellerwork! Welcome to the SAS family. I can see @megan.j.west1018 already welcomed you. awesome! :+1:

Hello straight back to Montana! Welcome to the course, Gabrielle @gmuellerwork. I am super glad you managed to at least leave us a little quick “Hello” :wink: I assume you have no time as you are already killing the first couple of module :fire: Well, I will not take much of your time - but let me quickly welcome and introduce you to the most essential points :blush:
John and the SAS staff are happy to have you aboard! The whole team will be assisting you to make your journey to success and financial freedom as smooth and joyful as possible! Success is the sum of little progress that you are going to make day-in and day-out! And your job is to work consistently and stay focused at all times! With these essentials, there will be tremendous results waiting for you down the road!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly I’d like to encourage you to make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students - all of them are aspiring and passionate marketers. This helpful community of like-minded people will be a great source of both, knowledge and inspiration for you! Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can - simply benefit from one another and grow as a team!
On top of you should regularly use the Knowledge Base, where you can find plenty of additional instructions and tutorials.

One thing you must not miss are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings happening each Thursday. My colleague Ilya will guide you step-by-step through selected topics and you have the chance to ask any questions in the dedicated ‘Q&A’ part. Don’t miss it!

That’s it for now - I will let you continue with the crucial work :slightly_smiling_face: If you can spare some time - please make sure to upload a profile picture, that would be lovely!

So good luck and start connecting with the rest of our members - we are all in this together! Together we learn, together we succeed! :fire: