Introducing Benita Hardy

my name is Benita Hardy I’m 50 years of age. I’m divorcing after 31 years of marriage. This is why the program is so important to me because I’m the bread winner now. I tried marketing in 2012, build my website, it took about three months to get the website up. The first four month there was nothing on the fifth month I started having some action. My husband seen that the website was being noticed he shut it down. So, I felt like a loser and was afraid to start again. Now, that I’m out of that toxic relationship, I’m trying again very afraid but pushing forward.


Sorry to know about your situation @benitahines2. Good thing that you took the initiative to join us here.

Also, I don’t think it will take you 3 months to set up your website now.

We have developed a platform called SASPanel which is meant to replace Clickfunnels and eradicate the need for Bluehost, it’s a hosting platform that contains pre-loaded presell pages with your own affiliate ID integrated on them, and various additional tools while staying VERY simple.

And as an existing customer, you should get access to this for free.

You can register for the SASPanel here and check the article on how to sign up here.

Then you can watch the replay of the SASPanel training on this link.

I hope this helps. :grinning:

Dear Benita @benitahines2, I am so sorry to hear about your toxic relationship - the only good thing here is that you are finally out of this! It’s your life, it’s your new start and it’s going to be your pride! Congratulations for being so brave - many others would already have given up! But you seem to be a real fighter and I can see you going really far with this! I wish you the outmost success and I cannot wait to see your affiliate marketing business running smoothly and providing you with the necessary financial income :muscle: You deserve this!!!
You can make this work…especially with the help of all us - so do not hesitate too reach out for us and start right now by connecting with the community!

Enjoy the training and make the most out of this wonderful new opportunity! Cheers to you :star_struck: