Internet explorer only brings up my url, but no video displaying!Why?

Hello everyone,
May name is Hatim, I am new and very excited to be here.
Support, this one is for you, why no video on my url when the page displays in Internet Explorer?

I need to understand if it is a must to buy click funnels or can you run without it, is it a convenience or a necessity?
I recall when John was going through the intial setup video, he mentioned something about the totally free method, was he referring to click funnels?
What will happen to your ads if click funnels is canceled and manual method is adopted, is it a start from zero or can you continue running your ads without interruption?


Clickfunnels is a convenience but a big one.
Totally free method forever method is manual method. Clickfunnels is free for two week trial.
Two aspects I see re Clickfunnels cancelling after trial -

  1. whatever you do FB may detect a change in what your ad is pointing to even if the url in the ad is unchanged so that could reset its machine learning - however that doesn’t remove the learning about the ad effectiveness and sales pages that has gone into your head :slight_smile:
  2. how much change FB sees may depend on how your domain is sending on to Clickfunnels. Whether using the Clickfunnels plugin in Wordpress or a manual method you could keep the url the ad goes to the same. I’m guessing here but I suspect FB would be more likely to notice a change from clickfunnels WP plugin to manual method than from a more manual Clickfunnels redirect to a manual non-clickfunnel method.