Inner Circle #1 Webinar

I loved John’s #1 Inner Circle Webinar yesterday! I could hardly take notes fast enough! Is there a recording of the webinar that I may watch again?
Thanks so much!

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Hi! It was fantastic wasn’t it, I learned a lot myself :slight_smile: Yes, it should be posted on the site on Monday.

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Hi Steph!
Newbie here too and it’s my first week also! I’ve worked through all the course videos I could access for the Intro and Week 1. I’m in the process of opening a BlueHost account (I currently have HostGator), getting clickfunnels, getting a new pixel and warming up a facebook account to begin selling SAS. I’ve run some ads on facebook in a different niche but just started a fanpage in the Bizopp (sp?) niche in getting ready to sell SAS. That’s about it here…how about you? What has your experience been thus far?
Warm regards!
Janet-Sacramento, CA

Thanks Sheryl!
Hope you are having a great day!